
BioDATEN paper on metadata got published

One goal of BioDATEN is to foster the FAIR principles. One step in this direction is improving data searchability in bioinformatics. The idea was to create a minimal metadata schema that is generic for various omics disciplines yet provides the necessary information to increase data findability. The result is an adaptable XML-based schema and a web-based annotation tool. A paper highlighting the usability of the schema and the tool was recently published in the Journal of Library Metadata. The (of course) open-access article can be found here.

The work on the paper results from interdisciplinary teamwork and a commitment to the FAIR principles. I want to thank the authors, developers, and testers involved!  


E Science Days 2023: New BioDATEN-related Publications

BioDATEN participated in several talks and presentations during the E Science Days 2023 in Heidelberg. The proceedings of this event have been published recently here

The first publication addresses challenges in building a repository for research data. The paper can be found here.

The second publication describes the work done creating a frontend to annotate research data in bioinformatics with metadata to foster the FAIR principles. It can be found here.

The third publication focuses on the role of ontologies in FAIR datamanagement done by our DataPLANT colleagues. Click here to read the paper.



Two new BioDATEN publications available

Last year (2022), part of the BioDATEN project team attended to 14th IWSG at Trento and gave a talk about the distributed infrastructure of a science gateway. This paper has been published recently via Zenodo. Check out the paper here!

This year (2023), BioDATEN gave a talk and presented a poster at the E-Science-Tage 2023 at Heidelberg. While the extended poster abstract is still under review, you can find the poster here


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