
BioDATEN participating at the E-Science-Tage 2023 at the Heidelberg University

The E-Science-Tage 2023 were held at the Heidelberg University and provided an opportunity to network and to present work to other RDM enthusiasts. BioDATEN was present with two talks and one poster and the colleagues from DataPLANT were also present with a talk and a poster. The first BioDATEN talk presented the BioDATEN metadata schema and concluded with the vision of “Being the DublinCore for research data in bioinformatics”. The second talk presented our work in building and establishing a data publication platform based on InvenioRDM and the necessary coordination with stakeholders like compute centres and university libraries. The DataPLANT talk provided insights in providing researchers with the right terms and ontologies to annotate their metadata using Swate. Annotating metadata was also the topic of the BioDATEN poster which presented the web-based annotation tool. The DataPLANT poster showed the DataPLAN tool to create research data management plans.


15th International Workshop on Science Gateways

Science Gateways help researchers to preform their research by providing them tools, workflows, and infrastructure along the research cycle. Like the research data management in general, the work on science gateways is dynamic and driven by a international community. The community will meet this year in Tübingen to network, discuss recent approaches, and topics along the research cycle at the 15th International Workshop on Science Gateways between 13-15th June 2023. The Call for Papers is open and you are cordially invited to submit your contributions!  


New research data policy at the University of Freiburg

A new research data policy has been published by the University of Freiburg that fosters linking persons and data using identifiers.

Initiated also by the activities in the Science Data Center BioDATEN, a new research data management policy was developed together with the Chief Information Officer (CIO), the Computing Center (RZ), and the University Library (UB) at the Freiburg University. It got officially announced by the university administration: "Policy on the Handling of Research Data at the University of Freiburg". 

Another essential issue, which we had addressed through BioDATEN, is the (now mandatory) use of ORCID iD at the University of Freiburg. This is a personal identification for researchers that is particularly useful for the long-term validity of inked information of research data in repositories such as InvenioRDM, read this publication for further information. Many systems - including InvenioRDM which has been evaluated using a set of criteria - offer a coupling of data sets with ORCID. As InvenioRDM will be used for BioDATEN in the near future, using ORCID will create a benefit for researchers on the long run. This means that when research data sets linked with ORCID iDs are published on the system, researchers automatically receive a notification upon publication and can add the publication to their ORCID profile with one click. This is handled in the background through the DataCite workflow.



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